B, Please!

B, Please!

A few years ago I worked with a government organization on their annual conference. The keynote speaker challenged the audience to remove the ‘B’ word from their vocabulary. She went on to explain that balance—the ‘B’ word she was referencing—has created unfair limits on how women, in particular, view each other. Your age, stage, or position in life will create a different set of priorities for you. And your peer could and many times will have a much different set of priorities. For example, a woman with no children who works in a traditional 9-5 position would not understand my priorities and vice versa. And while I do agree with the speaker that we must not impose our beliefs of balance onto someone else, I do believe we need to adopt another ‘B’ word, boundaries.

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Money can’t buy your time

Money can’t buy your time

On the heels of celebrating my first Mother’s Day, I found myself reflecting over the last nine months with my son. How exciting it is to take off when he is sick, how I can check on him at school during the day, or how our morning giggles aren’t cut short because of 7am traffic. I honor my journey as an entrepreneur because it has gifted me these moments.

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