What's not gonna happen...when you first graduate

What's not gonna happen...when you first graduate

So every month we receive something like three to five – doubled when close to graduation - resumes and cover letters from young, green, naïvely prepared graduates. Honestly, when those emails come in I have a bit of nostalgia as I reflect back on being that age; the world was my oyster and I was excited to take over my part of it. But that bright, shiny feeling wore off within a couple of weeks, which is about how long it took for me to shake off the wanderlust and started my own PR agency.

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No days off! Snow Days Are for Kids.

No days off! Snow Days Are for Kids.

So my Monday went like this. Daycare is closed. Streets are pure slush. Car doors are frozen shut. Snow covers at least a ½ inch of ice. Gush of wind blows me back inside the house. But this means nothing more than my foot rocking the swing chair, my iPad is propped up on the dinner tray, and a blanket to stay warm. I’m not going outside but I must go on with my day.  

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